Since 1992, Katja Esser has devoted her life to creating eclectic participatory seasonal rituals that focus on our heart connection to the Earth and all life. Her magical transformational spaces create a bridge to the ancient and new ways of feeding the living world around us.
Grieving does not belong only to the ones that have lost a loved one, grieving is a skill and is what we do each time we fall in love with life knowing the change and loss that comes with it. The choreography of the grief ritual is modeled after the Dagara Funeral Ritual as taught by Malidoma Somé (West Africa)
Feeding our Ancestors
An annual daylong co-facilitated ceremonial gathering devoted to the nurturing of our beloved ancestors. In this gentle intensive we sit and journey with our ancestors and welcome their presence in our lives. It is a process where we dress the wounds we have with our ancestors, nurture them, hold them in our hearts while acknowledging the challenges in our journeys together. It is a creative process that is held in a ceremonial space where parts take place out of doors as well as indoors. It requires some prep work one does at home. For the full description click here.
Improvisational music, poetry, and nature images become a prayer of praise to the exquisite expressions of water moving through the seasons. Periodic free viewing events with an option to buy will be posted through out the year.