Solstice Full Info
The Annual
Winter Solstice Ceremony 2024
‘Entering the Era of the Heart’
Saturday December 21, from 12:30 – 3:00 pm
At America’s Stonehenge, NH
Facilitated by Katja Esser
Solstice moment 4:21 am, sunrise 7:14 am, sunset 4:14 pm.
There is some preparation involved that you want to be aware of. Scroll down to ‘Preparation: what to create, gather, and bring’. To make it more intentionally give the work some time.
Midwinter has arrived on December fifth and will last till January the sixth of which the solstice at its center is the turning point. The days get shorter and bring us to the darkest time of the year. For many of us it feels also the darkest time in human history. This is the season of the rebirth of the light and our eyes are on solstice. It becomes more significant than ever to focus on the light. We are light beings and many of us are still cloaked in a lack of self-worth that dims our light. Remember darkness is the absence of light. Darkness has no vision; it only reacts and implodes. When we shine our light on it, it has nowhere to go than to reveal itself. We shine our light within, we shine our light without. No part within or without wants to die and will resist and gets stronger when we fight it. We meet it with our light, love, wisdom, and compassion, not allowing fear to cripple us which would feed the darkness. Not to let judgment pull us down. Knowing that in the deepest darkness there is a seed of light that needs to be nourished.
The forces of the Universe are on our side, the light is increasing exponentially, consciousness is shifting, Pluto has now moved fully into Aquarius and will stay there for 20 years, supporting us to return to our true freedom within and without. It will not come by itself; we must work for it. We will see the old paradigm collapsing and it will be dramatic and rough as the old energy does not want to die, but we will persevere in our conviction that we are of the light and keep shining it. We have trained for this moment through the many lifetimes, we have what we need. We are here to own our gifts, greatness, wisdom, and knowing and bring it into manifestation to assist humanity’s awakening.
Since the 11/11 portal the Earth and all her life are in an energetic purging process lasting for 40 days that ends on the winter solstice. You can find out more about that through Patricia Cota-Robles in her website through her weekly vlogs. All the ways in which we consciously participate by lifting this planet and all her life out of the darkness make a difference. Together we build a momentum into an unimaginable amazing future on this beloved Earth. We are in for a period of rapid changes, innovations, and revolutionary energy. This is a time of renewal as we enter the era of the heart.
We know that change is needed and we also dread change. Many of us are on the fence of willing to fully embrace it as we fear the unknown. It is for us to come into alignment with the beings of light on the other side of the veil to start creating the future following the divine plan and God’s will through Divine thoughts and feelings of love, compassion, bliss, laughter, and joy to name a few. Where we stop recreating the past through our beliefs projected onto the future. We have endlessly looked at all our patterns and beliefs and the why’s, many times taking us deeper into the rabbit hole. We have judged and criticized every part in us only to see it become more solidified and crystalized. It became our false identity, the only thing we knew. This is a time of revelation; the light is getting so strong that it is piercing through the illusions we have been upholding. Our hearts are being cracked open. Our heart connects us to the cosmos, to God/Source. Feelings are the electrical currents that is the currency exchange of the Universe. We create our physical manifestation through our feelings, thoughts, and what we broadcast through our vibration. The Universe is a neural network and everything is registered and responded to. The more we open up our intuition and become conscious of what we broadcast the more we can co-create the outcome we like to see happen. We are not meant to do this by ourselves, as what serves our highest good has to serve the highest good of all. The beings of light on the other side of the veil are here to guide us, it is for us to open the door and build a relationship with them.
According to the Dagara people of West Africa, we are coming to the end of this mineral year where we have been dealing with the shadow side of communication and information but also, we have seen the strength of speaking truth, bringing things into the light, remembering who we are, and tapping into our knowing.
We are now moving into an earth year which is our center, home, the hearth, and the place we return to. Earth brings nourishment, grounding, support, feeling welcome, and brings caring for one-another. Here is where we tend to making our soil fertile, rebuild localized systems from the bottom up. Here is where we come together and begin to take care of the Earth and each other. We stand up for what brings us life, health, vitality, and knowing the universal law ‘what affects the one, affects the whole’.
Solstice, sun-stand-still, is the time when the sun’s journey to the South comes to a halt and appears to stand still for about 8 days before it starts its journey back to the North again. Christmas day, the celebration of the return of the light, is when the Sun will have made its first move back towards the North again. In the moment of deepest darkness, the seed of light is born.
The intention:
What does true freedom within and without mean to you? When we feel clear about what it truly means for us, we can work towards it. What are you still aligning with or doing that covers up the image of God you are? What beliefs are you ready to drop that stand in your way to fully embrace your freedom and the image of God you are?
What gifts, talents, and abilities do you appreciate in yourself and how have these made a difference in other people’s lives? Do you recall acts of courage that you demonstrated in your life? How do you feel blessed and what makes your heart sing? Do you celebrate and embrace what you have or do you question, judge, or feel guilt instead? The more conscious we are the more we are in charge of our lives. With acknowledgment and compassion towards ourselves we can make the changes gently.
What to prepare for, gather, and bring to our ceremonial time together
– Please, get a natural de-composable string ( twine, hemp, cotton, yarn or a strip of natural fabric) that has some substance to it, you may want to braid a few strands together to make it thicker if it is a thin strand, and about a yard long. We look at what inner freedom means and what are the thoughts, feelings, words and actions we create that keep us away from experiencing this freedom even when we live in a physical body and have to do earthly things to keep us alive. It is the consciousness we bring to it that makes the difference. Make individual knots for each of the ways we tie ourselves down and that we are ready to release.
– Please, make a star shape out of a paper plate or stiff paper about 8 inches maximum dimension that is natural and de-composable. We are star beings here to shine our light. Write on it all the ways you light up this world. Puncture two small holes about an inch apart into the center so a string can be pulled through it.
– Please, bring a blanket and a pad/chair to sit on
– Please, bring a candle in a cup/holder so it does not drip over your hand and can stand up.
– Please, bring some cut flowers (not in pots)
– Please, bring your drums, bells or sound makers.
– Please, dress warmly, have good warm foot ware and gloves. It is easier to shed clothes if needed. Remember the temperatures drop at the end.
– Please, share this information and bring a friend.
Katja Esser guides you through this very participatory ritual. In the spirit of co-creation and our own evolution, the ceremony grows to new heights when you bring your items and participation to it. The ceremonies go deeper each year as they are built on each previous one. The unfolding of the ceremony creates the sacred space, in which we give more meaning to the details of the ceremony. What you bring creates the magnificence of this ceremony as each contribution makes up the whole. Please, make sure to do your best to bring your items and do not let the not fulfilling of these items deter you from coming. Some may bring some extra. Come early if you still need time to work on your items or want to help in the set up.
Location and cost:
America’s Stonehenge are privately owned but is open to the public and is in operation under the dedicated care of the Stone family. The entry fee is $18.00 for adults and tickets can be purchased on site as well as their online store: There is an additional suggested donation of $8, cash or check, if you can or more at the ritual site to support this ceremonial work. Make sure you leave enough time less than 10 min. based on your ability to walk to the ‘Landing’ so we can start the ceremony in time which is crucial in winter time. Ask at the visitor center to direct you to this location. Physical address is 105 Haverhill Road, Salem, New Hampshire 03079
Who to contact:
Please, kindly respond if you plan to attend, contact Katja on Facebook or better through email: I do not own a cell phone nor would I respond to responses after 9 am on the day of the event. Just to know that there is always room. I need to have a sense of numbers of people coming so I can adjust the ceremony to the number of people that are present and I can notify you if there are last minute unexpected changes. You can find more info on Katja by exploring this website. This info is also on and this info is also posted on Facebook.
Filming and Photographing:
I am asking participants not to film or photograph during ceremony. It is fine before and after the ceremony but not during the ceremony. Some things belong to the world of spirit.
In case of snowy or freezing conditions the ceremony will be held on zoom in the evening.