Ritual Expressions


Sacred Improvisational Sound Circles:


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A loosely structured gathering in which we weave and blend the exquisite randomly sacred sounds arising from our voices and instruments through deep listening and responding.  Discover the richness of co-creation and the unexpected magic of being guided into the tapestry of  sound that begins to shape into some coherent form.   Previous music experience is greatly appreciated but  not necessary only a listening ear and a willingness to participate is called for.  Acoustical sound makers and some drums are provided but one is encouraged to bring their own as well as instruments.  The Sound circles take place once a month at Earthlands, Petersham MA


Individual Sessions:

Katja utilizes a blend of techniques and abilities to unravel limiting beliefs and allow the embodiment of greater possibilities. The work may involve sounding, movement, clearing techniques, personalized ritual or just the gift of receiving.

Katja can be contacted by email at: katjacreates@ritualexpressions.com

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